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Current sermons are loaded here, join us as we partake in the ministering of God’s Word and worship.
Join Us
Sunday School 9:15am
Sunday Worship 10:30am
Wednesday Evening Service 6:30pm
1590 Country Club Road
Sparta, TN 38583
Sunday School, Students, and Kids Ministry
We have Sunday School prior to our Morning worship and service. We also have Students & Kid’s ministry on each Wednesday night.
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Our Mission & Vision
Delighting In God … Making Disciples
At the core of who we are as God’s people at Bear Cove, we are a people who find our greatest delight in the triune God. The Bible consistently reveals God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We delight in God because he delights in himself and in us as his people. As John wrote in his first letter to the believers at Ephesus, we love God because he first loved us (1 John 4:10).
Gathering. Growing. Going.
Our desire is to be a prevailing church like the one we see in the book of Acts. When we look at how the early church walked out their faith, we see them doing three important things: gathering consistently, growing spiritually, and going intentionally.
Next Steps
Lots of Ways to Get Involved.
Kids & Students
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Bear Cove Ministry/Missions/Giving Request Form
Bear Cove
Facilities Reservation
We Gather Every Wednesday & Sunday
Wednesday: 6:30pm
(Students and Kids meet at 6:00pm)
Sunday School: 9:15am
Sunday Worship: 10:30am
Plan Your Visit
Please feel free to call us with any questions if you are considering visiting with us. We would love to have you!
Sunday School
Join us for Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:15am. You will be fortified with the Word of God and inspired to have a closer walk with the Lord.
We would love to hear from you! Contact our church office if you have any questions or would like information about joining our church.
Bear Cove Baptist Church
1590 Country Club Rd
Sparta, TN 38583
Office Hours
Mon. - Thur.
8:30am to 2:30pm